Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners
  • Regularity collaborates with Bar Ilan university on theoretical developments around set-indexed fractional Brownian motion and set-indexed Lévy processes. The PhD thesis of Alexandre Richard is co-supervised by Erick Herbin and Ely Merzbach.

  • Regularity collaborates with Michigan State University (Prof. Yimin Xiao) on the study of fine regularity of multiparameter fractional Brownian motion.

  • Regularity collaborates with St Andrews University (Prof. Kenneth Falconer) on the study of multistable processes.

  • Regularity collaborates with Acadia University (Prof. Franklin Mendivil) on the study of fractal strings, certain fractals sets, and the study of the regularization dimension.

  • Regularity collaborates with Milan University (Prof. Davide La Torre) on the study of certain economic growth models.